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Water Ingress: A Problem Solved

Recently, I happened to notice a couple of headlines in Petrol Plaza, highlighting what is becoming a major issue in the industry, water ingress.

Water ingress in fuel storage systems leads to microbial bacteria which can cause devastating effects on tank health. If the damage is untreated, water ingress will result in the corrosion of the metal parts of the tank in as little as 90 days. As you can imagine the replacement of these parts can be costly, particularly if the damage requires a whole new tank system.

As with many problems in mechanics, when it comes to water ingress, prevention is the best cure. One of the benefits of the Risbridger Innovent system is the integrity of the rain cap and the water capture system in case any fluid does enter the vent stack.

In addition to the considerable lifetime cost savings that have recently been forecast by a recent study it should be recognised that a small increase in capital spend now could save massive refurbishment or maintenance costs further down the line.

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