
RIS-SHEAR-AdBlue Spotting


Claimed my “Spotters Badge” for this one while I was carefully looking at an advertisement in the APEA Bulletin. I was pleased to notice, tucked in the corner of an ADBLUE® chamber was one of our all stainless steel contact parts RIS-SHEAR-ADBLUE-MK2valves, easily identifiable by the RIS Blue Shear Ring. Nice to see companies are looking at protecting the environment by providing better solutions for Forecourt installations by incorporating Risbridger products to help them achieve their objectives.


RIS-SHEAR-ADBLUE-MK2 . Designed to minimise product loss and protect the environment. Read more about our ADBLUE® forecourt solutions here.

Chris Godfrey

Contact Risbridger today to learn more

Watch our video on Shear Valves here.

